Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Page #43



Unknown said...

Lol, I've been wanting to do the bike ride every time my husband and I go to the wharf. The guys always swear that it's "easy" but I get intimidated nonetheless. I think I'll have to workout a bit before deciding to challenge myself. Congrats on making it through! :D

allaboutg said...

My dream is to visit the Golden Gate bridge! You have amazing sketches, well done =)

I got here via Twitter btw, through OperationNice

Carissa Thilgen said...

haha, that's how I feel about a recent hike me and the boy took in big bear. the guy at the ranger station told us it was not that difficult, but it WAS! especially for out of shape and asthmatic ME! :) but we did it and the view was great and so it was worth it.

great sketch btw! love the last one too of the homes. San Fran is so fun that way with the colorful, skinny houses.

MICHELLE said...

Oh my goodness, this is an absolutely wonderful idea!! You are so crafty and talented! Subscribing NOW. :)

ultrasupergenius said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed viewing your blog / journal this evening. I am blown away by your illustration style. Absolutely wonderful. You really have an incredible knack for capturing life and vitality in your images - and the text that accompanies them. Brilliant, and inspiring. I just finished a couple of quick sketches of my living room after seeing your work... Thank you so much for the inspiration, and for sharing it online.

Anonymous said...

I did it and it's not so hard. Happy Times!!!! :D

Sierra said...

Good job for dealing with those hills and I love San Francisco - I went there with my BF and fell in love with the sites, especially when we went sailing!s

cara. said...

this is great!

kane said...

your work is very good. You should joint Urban Sketchers.

Joe Adams said...

That is really fantastic!