Friday, September 11, 2009


I haven't drawn in 10 days. Again. What the heck?? I was doing so well there for a while. Anyway, I have an excuse this time. I participated in a doodle swap, which meant I had to create 12 Artist Trading Cards to send out to my group and a few extra friends. So just because I didn't draw in my journal, doesn't mean I wasn't drawing!

Since I really enjoyed drawing the lovely homes in San Francisco, I thought it would be fun to doodle 12 little colorful houses. Here's what I came up with, in order.

1 of 12

2 of 12

3 of 12

4 of 12

5 of 12

6 of 12

7 of 12

8 of 12

9 of 12

10 of 12

11 of 12

12 of 12


Artsy Fartsy said...

So cute! I would love to live on that imaginary street! :)

Ren said...

adorable. i love the trees and how the shapes of the houses change each time

Anonymous said...

I don't normally enjoy reading blogs, but this morning I have caught up on the entirety of yours! Good luck with the project, your drawings are great :-)

Unknown said...

I love your sketches and your sense of humor. Really inspiring ... keep it up!

me said...

These are adorable! You are really good at illustrations. :)

me said...


I am starting a new weekly project where I will showcase a blog artist called "Tuesday Talent". I would love to feature you in one of the upcoming weeks.

Please drop by and let me know if you would be OK with me doing this.

Here is the link about it:

CT said...

hello Melissa! I came upon your blog via the Operation nice, and upon that one from the Toy Society... I love your idea, and will add you to my blogroll to share your work with my friends from the blogosphere! love your work!!!!

premium finace said...

wow I love the drawings

Ashley said...

These drawings are super cute!!!!!

Juz said...

I absolutely love it.
I wish the characters on my blog stayed in a house.

Ruby Doomsday said...

Awesome. What a beautiful blog you have here.

Sierra said...

Ohhh I love your sketches! I am a first time visitor to your blog and I am loving it already. I love to journal and you capture the essence of journalism very beautifully!

kellypea said...

I LOVE your blog. You are so talented and have given me inspiration to breathe life back into my neglected writing blog. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Keep up the fabulous work! Just wanted to let you know that you were mentioned on Lola today.

Major kudos to you!


Carissa Thilgen said...

such fun, adorable little houses! love the colors and all the different shapes and textures. I think I'd like to live in that blue-ish gray house!

Amanda said...

These are adorable. Although I know they are trading cards and are separated from one another, I think it would be neat if you did them and created a continuity between the pictures by having the houses on the sides being the house from the previous (and next) picture. Then when you have them all together you would have a whole little neighborhood.

denzilla said...

you really capture your energy in your line quality..

the color follow suit perfectly as well..


Melissa Coley said...

I think your work is so great, and it's inspiring that you share what you're doing. I know that it personally is challenging me to be better about slowing down and documenting what's around me.

Rosa Phoenix said...

Hello, I love your drawings of my city, San Francisco! I also like to draw pictures of the houses here. You've captured the colorful quirkiness!

Kari said...

What happened to your drawings?? I miss them!

Leona said...

I like these drawings :)

alana said...

I would love to see more of your excellent drawings! Why have you stopped this blog?

Lots of love from Switzerland.

Susanne said...

We love your drawings! They're very inspiring and the quality of your work is humbling for the daily doodlers in our house. Good luck with your projects.

Jiinxsay Saoirse Phoenix (Fauveling-Storm) said...

omg Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have MAJOR AMAZING talent!!!!!!!
wOw!!! 1st entry, LOVE those converse high-top sneakers! ok, now THIS is a regular blogspot, how'd you get rid of the top bar?
i simply MUST find a better teeny tiny pic to use for when i follow ppl's blogs :) for now it's hello kitty. k, jumpin on this bandwagon stat!
oh, ya, the reason i even WROTE this, lol, i would absolutely DIE to live in a neighborhood like that!!! old victorians you can fix up, love that whole idea, crave it, dream about it :)))
thx again for being you.

ps- plz let me know about your template for this particular blog, k?
<3 Jiinxsay, aka tha jiinxified one