Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page #54: 6/21/10

As soon as I put that first orange marker to the page I regretted that decision! I wanted to add color because all of the buildings were kind of blurring together, but I wish I would have done it different. Oh well.



Sacha B (she/her) said...

You are your own worst critic. If you don't like this then I would be happy to take it off your hands, lady!

- Kathy - said...

I don't mind the orange in your drawing.. I like it!

And.. It's not a shame you support Holland at the World Cup *grin*

Greetings from a Dutch Girl ;-)

Tracy deSouza said...

This is gorgeous. I have t say I love the orange, even if you don't!

Anonymous said...

Found this blog on stumbleupon. I just took up drawing and have been having a hard sticking with it. But these drawings give me motivation to keep at it. Thanks for posting all this!!!

richelle jean said...

keep blogging! i LOVE your stuff!

Volataire said...

The orange in your drawing is breaktaking, and adds character to the overall image. You seem like an excellent artist, and I hope you keep blogging your work!

Joanne Butler said...

I am not usually an orange fan, but hey, your pic managed to change my mind! I really love it!